
Manual to automated testing service

How to Go from Manual to Automated Mobile Tests

You and your company will benefit from it.

So you’re a fantastic manual tester; why would you want to automate? Isn’t this putting your employment in jeopardy and undermining your expertise? Simply expressed, the answer is no. Automation is here to stay, and the requirement for high-quality software and a positive customer experience remains critical. How does a dedicated tester embrace automation while adding value to the company?

1) Scaling your quality expertise: Becoming a tester is a rare and important skill. Manual testing, on the other hand, isn’t always the ideal technique to aid you or your company. It frees you up to undertake exploratory testing, which is a very valued and crucial function of the business, by automating your most routine tests.

It helps you to make better use of your time and give considerably more complicated and useful testing results to your development teams.

2) Learning automation helps you to expand your skill sets, making you even more valuable to the team, while also polishing your development and testing résumé in preparation for the future.

3) Running tests at scale enables you to test more aspects of the software development lifecycle, resulting in improved user experiences. Delivering a smooth and delightful customer experience is more essential than ever as the digital transformation has accelerated for everyone – even your rivals.

What is required to automate?

Most of our testers are required to be able to produce a few different things, all of which require some coding experience. Coding is required, but Smart Bear AI–driven solutions allow you to have the best of both worlds: learn to code while employing technology to assist you.

You may observe scripts developed and learn from the suggested record and playback scripts using AI and record and playback. Smart Bear offers a variety of recording, and playback options, as well as AI-driven creation.

  1.  You’ll need to pick a programming language, and I recommend Python or java.script. Both languages are reasonably simple to learn, and most software companies provide extensive support for both.
  2. You’ll need to pick a programming language, and I recommend Python or java.script. Both languages are reasonably simple to learn, and most software companies provide extensive support for both.

You’ll need to grasp the remainder of the testing procedure once you’ve gotten started. This blog series can assist you in understanding the many processes and components required to get started, in addition to your abilities and certain software tools.

Stay watch for subsequent posts on how to get started with automated testing, including advice on how to:

  • Establish the application parameters. You want to test the user interface and the objects.
  • Choose the appropriate testing framework.
  • Decide a suitable programming language for your automation scripts and suites.
  • Learn how to code with them (recording and playback can be helpful here)
  • Choose a platform for automation (Selenium is popular)
  • To perform your tests, select a service or a location

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